Attack On Titan 2: Final Battle Review & Hopes For New Game


Rating: 8.5

AOT 2: Final Battle is an RPG action game that follows the story of the well-known anime of the same name. Attack on Titan 2 puts you in the shoes of an original character who vows to kill the armored titan to avenge the death of his or her parents. The game inserts you into this world and lets you build relationships with existing characters, go out on expeditions and has a mode that allows you to create your own faction to retake territories seized by the titans. Overall, the game is one of a kind. The combat is great, the music is epic, and the side stories you see by getting to know your fellow soldiers are cool if you want to know more about your favorites besides what’s on the surface. My only complaint about the game is where it ended. At the time when the game came out, the anime was still running so I understand content being missing in the base game but, I felt like our characters could have easily fit into the season 3 & 4 narrative. I know some people felt like “killing” the armored titan was our goal and after we beat him it’s a nice close to our chapter, but that never sat right with me, honestly. I plan to do another playthrough of the game eventually because I haven’t discovered the secret ending yet, but my hope for the future is that we get a new game that follows the full story, and we get to experience it as our original character from beginning to end.
